1. First one is the easy one: The infamous vampire costume! The main reason is that it's easy to reproduce and you can go light or go all the way; plus it's hard to miss! I remember dressing up as dracula when I was a kid but remember the main problem being the incompatibility of the false teeth and chewy candies thus I only wore the fake teeth the first 10 minutes!
2. Second, I chose the classic ghost costume. Once again its simplicity is a driving force behind this choice. You can go all the way from using a simple sheet with holes (Make sure it's safe!) to an all out hollywood ghost! I saw some very impressive Ghost costumes through the years. You just need to use your imagination and the internet for some great ideas...
Top 5 Scary Halloween Costumes For Kids of 2009
3. Third, the easy choice is the Scary Witch Costume. This one is also an option that is only limited by your imagination. With today's makeup tips you can transform your beautiful little girl into the ugliest witch in minutes!
4. Fourth, I'm going very broad and choosing the Super Hero Costume. Here I suggest you go with the flavor of the month costume which changes monthly considering the numerous movies about diverse Marvels characters. But you don't have to because even if you decide to go as Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman, you'll still be the center of attraction!
5. Fifth, I can't ignore the classic Cinderella Princess Costume. I'm sure if you're a girl, you or your sister(s) or girl friends wore a Princess costume at one time or another and felt great doing so. So, don't feel bad if you feel you're not being very original because classics are always in fashion!
That's it, now let me wish you a great time this year and don't forget that the first rule of any costume is to make sure it is safe!
Top 5 Scary Halloween Costumes For Kids of 2009
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